Office Phone
(864) 576-0302
Up Coming Events
Friday Nights Fire Pits are Back!! Starting Friday March 29th Come Join us! Bring Chairs, S'mores, Smiles & Campfire Stories.
April 7th-13th: Spring Break
April 18th-20th: Easter Weekend
May 9th-11th: Mothers Day Weekend
May 23rd-26th: Memorial Weekend
June 13th-15th: Fathers Day weekend
July 4ht-6th: 4th of July Weekend
August TBD: Decade Party
August 29th-Sept 1: Labor Day weekend
Oct 10th-12th, 17th-19th, 24th-26th:Halloween Weekend.
Nov 29th: Friendsgiving
Dec 31st: New Years Eve.
We will be updating this page as the year progresses.
Below are the weekends we host special events.
Valentines Day
Spring Break
Mother's Day
Memorial Day
Father's Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
THREE Weekends of Halloween (last 3 in October)
New Years Eve
There will be very limited openings for short term camping during the period of November 1 - March 1.